Senin, 11 Juni 2012

cheat pool by Franz the Hackers

Aiming Assist khusus NOefect

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012
setelah update total mengenai pool 8ball ruler kemarin !!!

kayaknya bosan khusuh yg berefek ja khan!!

sekrang gan q sharing yg tdk berarah !!!

penggunaan arahkan ja pada bola yg ingin ditembak cocokkan baris meja cheat dgn meja pool qmu!!

lngsung sedot ja ne!!!

ne ss nya!!

Pool, Facebook, Aim Assist, Aimer

By This tool you can easily aim the pool balls to the hole .. So just download and open it while you are playing pool live tour..
How to aim :--
  • Press ctrl+left click for aim ..
  • Hold shift for go transparent..
  • Press on settings button for changing the colour of the aimer..
follow dlu lah gan!!

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